Les Amis Des Chats was founded as a charity in Roquecor in Southwest France in March 2000. Every year it helps to improve the well-being of hundreds of stray and pet cats in rural villages.
The charity advocates humane control of feral cats and runs Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programmes for stray cats in villages where it has permission to work under a byelaw from the local council. Cats which have been neutered and returned to their village under the TNR programme continue to live independent lives but the population is controlled and this is better for the welfare of the cats and for the people living around them. Learn more...
Les Amis Des Chats recommends that cats are sterilised and so provides financial assistance to low-income owners through neutering vouchers (Bons de sterilisation). The owner pays the normal price for the neutering operation minus the value of the voucher. The charity reimburses the veterinarian directly for the amount of the voucher. Learn more...
Click here to find out what we have achieved in our Annual Reports.
Responsible cat ownership is at the heart of the charity’s aims with information provided on neutering and general cat healthcare. As part of this, it runs an imaginative education programme in English and French for children from seven to 11 years, which aims to guide the next generation in the responsibilities of being a cat owner or carer. Learn more...
Les Amis Des Chats is run entirely by volunteers and depends on donations, grants, sponsorship, fundraising events, bequests, charity shops and membership. Thanks go to everyone who has helped the association already, particularly those who have assisted with the trapping and care of feral cats, those who have had their cats neutered, those who have contributed financially and those who work hard for the association. Merci mille fois.
If you too would like to get involved in helping this worthwhile charity and join them in helping us, you’ll find lots of ways you can get involved on this website. Contact secretaire.ladc@gmail.com
Click here to download our charity's constitution, which of course is in French.